Wedding planning can be tricky, and inevitably can lead to some (minor) bickering. When your knee deep in guest lists, seating plans, food options, whilst trying to please absolutely everyone, you can lose a sense of why you're getting married in the first place. So make sure you remember to show your spouse, finance, boyfriend or girlfriend how much they really mean to you, with small and simple gestures every day. 

1. Talk about your day: the first thing Josh & I ask each other is about our days. We are lucky enough to travel to/from work together, so we use this time to speak about our day, get any worries off our chests, or speak about achievements. This little conservation each day can make your partner feel cared for, and supported, and is a really important, but easy conservation to incorporate into a day.

2. Leave a little note: remember those times when you used to write a crush a letter, or leave them a little notes before heading back to school for the week? This is a small and simple gesture that can be incorporated into daily life, that'll brighten up a cloudy day, or simply put a smile on your partners face. Josh will often leave me a little note downstairs when I have a day off, and they never fail to make me smile. 

3. Give in every now & again: I am stubborn, I know I am. So if there's something i've had to work on, it's giving in every so often (even if I still think that i'm right!). Watch a film you don't like every so often (cue an assortment of space & Star Wars films), cook them a meal they love, even if it's not your favourite, or visit the family member you've been trying to put off - it'll really mean a lot to them. 

Whilst these small, simple tasks don't seem like much, incorporating these into every day will certainly reming your other half how much they mean to you.

 Love Kelly x

Three ways to show how much they mean to you

Wedding planning can be tricky, and inevitably can lead to some (minor) bickering. When your knee deep in guest lists, seating plans, food options, whilst trying to please absolutely everyone, you can lose a sense of why you're getting married in the first place. So make sure you remember to show your spouse, finance, boyfriend or girlfriend how much they really mean to you, with small and simple gestures every day. 

1. Talk about your day: the first thing Josh & I ask each other is about our days. We are lucky enough to travel to/from work together, so we use this time to speak about our day, get any worries off our chests, or speak about achievements. This little conservation each day can make your partner feel cared for, and supported, and is a really important, but easy conservation to incorporate into a day.

2. Leave a little note: remember those times when you used to write a crush a letter, or leave them a little notes before heading back to school for the week? This is a small and simple gesture that can be incorporated into daily life, that'll brighten up a cloudy day, or simply put a smile on your partners face. Josh will often leave me a little note downstairs when I have a day off, and they never fail to make me smile. 

3. Give in every now & again: I am stubborn, I know I am. So if there's something i've had to work on, it's giving in every so often (even if I still think that i'm right!). Watch a film you don't like every so often (cue an assortment of space & Star Wars films), cook them a meal they love, even if it's not your favourite, or visit the family member you've been trying to put off - it'll really mean a lot to them. 

Whilst these small, simple tasks don't seem like much, incorporating these into every day will certainly reming your other half how much they mean to you.

 Love Kelly x

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