Health//Tiny Tea TeaTox

Welcome back to Sapphire Lashes my lovelies! Today is the turn of my review for the Tiny Tea TeaTox that I was lucky enough to be gifted a few weeks ago. The packaging is also super cute, which is always a plus for me! I didn't mind the taste of it personally, but I have to say, it will not be to everyone's liking!

Tiny Tea is a gluten free herbal blend, that claims to 'cleanse your digestive system...assisting with reducing weight, easing bloating, increasing digestive functionality, improving skin clarity and increase energy levels'. 

The effects of Tiny Tea are different for everyone - I have seen many people have claimed rapid weight loss (Tiny Tea say this is because of the regulation of the digestive system); however, this was not the case for me personally. Admittedly, my diet has been slightly poorer than normal over this period of time; however, I did notice considerable differences in both my skin, and my energy levels. Although it did not stop me from getting spots, which I've always been prone to, I have received comments about my natural skin having a glow to it, and my mum actually asked if I was wearing primer when I was bare faced. As for my every levels, I am normally a napper, but I have noticed I have been having considerably less naps than normal, and I can see this to be for no other reason than boosted energy as a direct result of the tea! I also noticed a slight improvement in my bloating - today, my first day without the tea, I did notice I was back to feeling and looking bloated again.

Personally, I am not sure if I would pay £20.00 for the product as a weight loss supplement, but I would say that it works incredibly well as a detox product. 

You can purchase this product at if you want to give it a try!

Lots of Love,

Kelly x

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